Welcome to the Montclair Neighbors Website
Upcoming Meeting: None currently scheduled
For questions, joining our steering committee, or to get in touch,
email us at hello at montclairneighbors dot org
To join our announce-only list, visit this page
Emergency Contacts
Emergency: Police, Fire, Medical
9-1-1 or 510-777-3211 from your cellphone
Oakland Police Non-Emergency:
Oakland Fire Non-Emergency:
Community Resource Officer:
District 4 Rep.
Janna Ramachadran
OAK311 aka SeeClixFix

OAK311, powered by SeeClickFix, allows Oakland residents to report non-emergency issues such as potholes, graffiti, streetlight problems, and illegal dumping. Accessible via phone, email, website, and a mobile app, it streamlines the process of requesting maintenance services and tracks issues for efficient city response.
You may submit a Service Request online, by phone, by email or by mobile app.
Online: To submit a new service request, click here.
Phone: Call 311 if you are in Oakland, or (510) 615-5566 from outside Oakland
Email: oak311@oaklandnet.com
Mobile App: SeeClickFix or OAK 311, available in the App Store for Apple devices and Google Play for Androids.
IMPORTANT CONTACTS (under construction!)
Emergency: Police, Fire, Medical, Rescue: 9-1-1
(cell phone) 510-777-3211
Police Non-Emergency: 510-777-3333
Fire Non-Emergency: 510-238-4000
Abandoned Autos:
(public property) 510-238-6030
(private property) 510-238-6040
Blight, Illegal Dumping, Graffiti: 510-615-5566
City Council District 4: 510-238-7004
Domestic Violence Help 510-536-7233
Emergency Preparedness Training (CORE): 510-238-6351
Highway Litter, Maintenance: 510-286-4444
Mayor: 510-238-3141
Mail Theft: 877-876-2455
Montclair Village Business: 510-339-1000
Mosquito Abatemment: 510-783-7744
Neighborhood Watch/Home Alert: 510-238-3091
Noise: 510-777-3333
Parking Enforcement: 510-238-3099
Power Outage (PG&E): 800-743-5002
Pothole Repair: 510-615-5566
Recycle/Garbage Hotline: 510-238-7283
Storm Drains: 510-615-5566
Tree Problems:
Obstructions (public property) 510-615-5566
Wildfire Prevention (public property) 510-238-3851